It's Baby Time At The Baby Time Show! Tidy Tot Bib Review

BB (aka "Ice Cube" for her expressive eyebrows; aka "Madness Badness" for her feisty attitude) is firmly into solid food exploration, and we really haven't found much that she doesn't like to eat. From slurping up pureed fruits and veggies to snatching pieces of plantain and bread off of our plates, she's into anything edible, so life is fun—and messy. It's really cool to see her not only enjoy the taste of food, but the experience of touching it—playing with the various textures and putting it in (or somewhere near) her mouth—but the messiness is just something I figured is an unavoidable part of the process.

Until now! Meet EIO Baby's Tidy Tot Bit & Tray Kit!


Created by a mom of 3, Tidy Tot is an all-in-one barrier that does what regular bibs generally don't. We all know of the basic bibs that help keep the front of your child's clothing clean, and the ones with the little catch-basin roll at the bottom—but these still leave a gap between your baby and their eating surface. When Little Magician was in this phase, I resorted to essentially wrapping her and her high chair in garbage bags with newspaper underneath in all efforts to keep her and the house tidy without restricting her exploration.

Luckily for BB (and me), Tidy Tot takes away all that work, with its flexible bib + tray combo—and we love it!


The tray itself is wide enough to cover your high chair table and more - and comes with handy suction cups to secure it to the surface. I didn't realize the bib piece actually has sleeves - so not only was BB covered fully, but the bib will protect her clothes when she's eating messy or saucy foods. Genius! It was great to not have to pick up anything off the ground (well, other than what she threw there herself), so this product is a win.

You can order a Tidy Tot Bob & Tray Kit here, or if you're in the GTA, you can see them at this weekend's Babytime Show!

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EIO Baby provided the Tidy Tot Bib & Tray Kit in exchange for this review post. All opinions are mine.